On April 10, we had the pleasure to guide the German architect
Gernot Minke, internationally reknowned specialist in ecological building and professor at the University of Kassel, in a short and very intense tour through Bukovina. He came for the first time to Romania in order to present a conference at the University of Architecture and Urbanism
Ion Mincu and to launch the Romanian translation of his book
Building with Earth: Design and Technology of a Sustainable Architecture, both organized on April 7th in Bucharest by Arhiterra.
Having the hideaway in Draguseni as his headquarter, he was able to visit and admire the monasteries of Humor, Voronet and Sucevita, as well as the old historical Bogdana church in Radauti. In the picture, Prof. Minke appears together with Elena Klabin and Mr. Constantin, our tireless peasant neighbour who helps us in the domestical activities, in front of the house.